White-spotted Judy

Date 23.07.2022
Size 20x20 cm
Latin name Abisara burnii
Materials Canvas, acrylic

I have never encountered butterflies before that are not only unafraid us but also curious. There it is — the recurring sensation of silent questions from each new encounter with this species of butterfly: “Hello! Who are you? What are you doing here?”

If you slow your pace or settle in for a snack in the forest, Abisara burnii will easily join your company. At such moments Instead of flying, it jumps from leaf to leaf like a grasshopper, seemingly choosing a comfortable spot for observation and glancing at you with its curious eyes. It moves abruptly but takes long pauses between jumps as it lands. Perhaps that’s why it is one of the most accessible butterflies for a photoshoot among its peers. In several photos taken by others, I can already see this shared character trait — the curious butterfly eye intently looking at the photographer.