Dark green river

Date 09.12.2022
Size 20x30 cm
Materials Canvas, acrylic

With all the diversity of local ecosystems, the richest and most saturated with life are the forests along the mountain rivers. Local rivers cut through the mountains, creating damp, dark canyons, forming waterfalls, and flowing through flat areas in valleys. They are sometimes deep, with gloomy backwaters where the bottom is not visible, and sometimes shallow and very peaceful. We visit them only during safe seasons, when there are no storms or prolonged rains. But the potential of these rivers is always visible, what they become during flood: along the banks, there are sediments and blockages of tree trunks, large branches, soil, and stones. The roots of coastal trees, as well as those growing on peninsulas formed by river meanders, are washed away by powerful streams, giving the appearance of tree legs.

This is one of the river spots I particularly love, but where we do not go often because there is no access to a long trail. We usually visit it on cloudy days, when the forest is beautiful in a more austere way, rather than in a way that beckons you to embark on a journey through it. The river, mostly shallow and calm in this area, takes on a particularly dark hue. The lichens on the riverbank trees appear even whiter in contrast. Huge ferns glow with light green rays, hanging from the trees leaning over the river. And when the rhododendrons bloom in the treetops, their coral lights add a beautiful touch to the "100 shades of green." Here, you acutely feel the natural balance: at the same time, strength and fragility, power that sweeps everything away and peacefulness, providing a protective shelter for many living creatures.