Anemone in the mountain forest

Date 30.11.2022
Size 18x13 cm
Latin name Anemone poilanei
Materials Canvas on cardboard, acrylic

In my native language, the name of this plant, quite typical for European and Siberian forests, means "windy flower" or "daughter of the winds". According to one version, the white petals of flowers trembling in the wind were the reason for such a name. In the spring, closer to summer, the forests and meadows near my Siberian city bloom with white and yellow anemones. Therefore, it was very strange to meet their close relatives, outwardly not much different from those I have been accustomed to since childhood here in Vietnam.

Local anemones encountered in Bidoup Nui Ba - two species, both with white flowers. They prefer mixed, but mainly broad-leaved mountain forests, saturated with moisture. Anemone poilanei bloom in abundance in the floodplains of forest rivers, where there is enough diffused light. High and low, depending on the degree of illumination, blooming en masse or individually — they always delight with their simple and delicate beauty. The main flowering season for Asian anemones is also in spring, like their northern relatives.